

organization science


I’m Jackson Ver Steeg, an Assistant Professor at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages. Welcome to my teaching and research pages. I look at sustainable communities through a trans-discliplinary lens.

education: Much of my work in education is centered on education for sustainable development (ESD). I look at how this is incorporated into our classrooms to prepare students to address issues of sustainable development. Often, my research investigates the informal educational practices that prepare people to contribute to the complex issues confronting our world.

I also research how some of the ESD issues are relevant to the mission of our higher education institutions.

entrepreneurship: my recent scholarship in this field has identified some new findings about the personal social networks that provide informal education that is crucial to supporting entrepreneurship in Indigenous and migrant communities. These results offer new insights in the fields of Indigenous entrepreneurship, Indigenous social entrepreneurship, and migrant entrepreneurship.

organization science: I’m excited to be developing a partnership with an interdiscliplinary group in the Netherlands that combines organization science and social innovation.