Dissertation: New Insights into Resource Mobility and Autonomy in Indigenous Social Entrepreneurship: A Multiple Case Study of Learning and Support for Indigenous Social Ventures in Pingtung, Taiwan (2023)

This multiple case study investigates Indigenous social entrepreneurship (SE) in a Rukai Indigenous community in Pingtung County, Taiwan to identify factors affecting social support of SE ventures. This research examines the influence of an Indigenous community on the entrepreneurs’ social identity and community resource mobility. The transmission of entrepreneurial and informal educational resources is investigated through an entrepreneurial social identity survey, semi-structured interviews, an integrated resource and position generator, and a novel name generator which identifies the characteristics of personal social networks. Factors affecting these social entrepreneurs and their SE ventures can be understood from both a broad view of their resources as well as support in the specific areas of finances, physical resources, personal services, and help with complex business problems.

Findings include: a) the identification of a multi-valenced kinship network of support for SE, b) confirmation of previous research identifying effectual entrepreneurship in Indigenous SE practices, c) the first recognition of entrepreneurship as emancipation as an appropriate model for investigation of Indigenous SE, d) distinguishing place-belonging as a factor influencing Indigenous SE venture development, e) a novel determination that the movement between flatlands and mountains (pingdi/shanshang) is instrumental in developing skills and influencing entrepreneurial motivations and f) identifying an emphasis on personal development as preparation for Indigenous SE, which suggests a potential new set of key competencies for Indigenous SE.

Keywords: social entrepreneurship, Indigenous social entrepreneurship, Indigenous entrepreneurship, personal social networks, Taiwan Indigenous communities


這項多重案例研究調查了台灣屏東縣魯凱族原住民社區的原住民社會創業(簡稱SE)。 本研究針對某原住民社區對其企業家的社會身份的影響以及社區的資源流動性方面進行資料收集,透過問卷調查、半結構性訪談、綜合資料和定位工具以及識別個人社會網絡特徵的新創工具,對企業和非正式教育資源的流動性進行了調查。影響這些社會企業家和他們的社會創業企業的因素可以從他們的資源特別是在財務、物質資源、個人服務和複雜商業問 題的協助助等具體領域的支持來理解。

研究結果包括: a) 確定了支持社會企業的多層次親屬網絡,b) 確認了以前的研究,確定了原住民社會企業實踐中的有效創業精神,c) 首次承認創業即解放是調查原住民社會企業的適當模式,d) 將地方歸屬感作為影響原住民社會企業發展的一個因素。e)確定平地和山地之間的流動有助於發展技能和影響創業動機,以及 f) 確定強調個人發展是原住民社會企業的準備工作,這表明原住民社會企業可能具備一套新的關鍵能力。

關鍵字: 社會創業, 原住民社會企業, 原住民創業, 個人社交網絡, 台灣原住民社群

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