Jackson Ver Steeg, Ph.D.


Ph.D., International Graduate Program of Education and Human Development National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2019—2023

Ph.D. Student (ABD), Science, Business and Innovation (SBI), Organization Sciences Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2019— (expected 12/2023)

International M.B.A. IT/Strategic Management National Chengkung University, Tainan, Taiwan International Scholarship Recipient

M.A. English & American Literature Georgetown University, Washington, DC USA Graduate Dean’s Scholar and Fellowship Recipient

B.A. Economics Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT USA Minor: Circumpolar Studies


Ph.D. Dissertation (VU Amsterdam) “The Role of Embeddedness in Social Value Creation in Three Different Community Contexts” (Advisor: Dr. Peter van der Sijde; co-advisor: Dr. Michiel Verver)

Ph.D Dissertation (NSYSU) “New Insights into Resource Mobility and Autonomy in Indigenous Social Entrepreneurship: A Multiple Case Study of Learning and Support for Indigenous Social Ventures in Pingtung, Taiwan.” (Advisor: Dr. Paichi Pat Shein)

M.B.A. Thesis “Social Network Websites and Social Capital as Factors Affecting Intention to Return Among  Seasonal Laborers In the Ski Industry.” (Advisor: Dr. Hsi An Shih)

M.A. Thesis “Racial Construction and American Amalgamation Ideology: Indian/White Miscegenation in  Nineteenth-Century Dime Novels.”

Academic Positions

Assistant Professor Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2023—

(Senior) Lecturer Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2005—2023

Instructor National Sun Yat-sen University FOREIGN LANGUAGE TRAINING CENTER Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2003—2007

Director, Extensive Reading Program National Sun Yat-sen University FOREIGN LANGUAGE TRAINING CENTER Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2005—2007

  • proposed, developed, and operated program

  • secured program funding

Assistant Director, Computer-Integrated Courses Program University of Washington, Seattle, WA USA 2001—2003

  • developed college writing instruction program

  • supervised training & observation of instructors

  • acted as liaison for pedagogical & technical support

  • advised instructors on course design

Graduate Student Instructor, Department of English University of Washington, Seattle, WA USA 2000—2003



Tsai, C-J, Lai, C.C., Ver Steeg, J. (2021). Your Turn to Read.  Tunghwa Publishing (2022) ISBN:9789865522728.

Book Chapters

Ver Steeg, J. (2020). Rethinking Human/Nature Ontology in the EFL Classroom as  a Focus of Education for Sustainable Development. In: Issa T., Issa T., Issa T.B., Isaias  P. (eds). Sustainability Awareness and Green Information Technologies. Green Energy  and Technology. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-47975-6_3.

Ver Steeg, Jackson. (2007). Thinking About Identity in my Asian American Literature  Classroom. 葵花:Reflections on Teaching. Kaohsiung, Taiwan: Wenzao Ursuline  College of Languages, 2007, p. 12-13.

Journal Articles

Ver Steeg, J. (2022). Anatomy of Entrepreneurship: Using Key Competencies to Drive Social Capital Acquisition and Develop Social Entrepreneurship Practices in MBA Education. The International Journal of Management Education. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijme.2022.100661 (SSCI)

Ver Steeg, J. (2022) A Mixed-Methods Study of How University Museums Use Outreach to Build Community Relationships and Deliver Value to the University. Museum Management and Curatorship https://doi.org/10.1080/09647775.2021.2023898 (A&HCI)

Ver Steeg, J., (2019). Developing a Public Voice: Place-Based Education as an  Approach to Education for Sustainable Development in the EFL Classroom. PUPIL:  International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning (ISSN 2457-0648), 3(1), 71-87. https://dx.doi.org/10.20319/pijtel.2019.31.7187

Ver Steeg, Jackson Jr. (2019). “Introducing Global Competency in the Elementary  School EFL Classroom using Children’s Literature and Sustainable Consumption  Activities.” Hsuiping Journal: (38), 133-144. Retrieved from . Full Paper Link

Ver Steeg, Jackson Jr. (2018). Addressing Misconceptions in EFL Literature Learning  Using Confidence Weighting Measures: Towards an EFL Literature Concept  Inventory. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL),  6(12), 13-23. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.20431/2347-3134.0612002  

Peer-Reviewed Conference Full Papers

Ver Steeg, Jackson Jr. (2019) “Developing Attitudes for Global Competency in the  Primary School EFL Classroom.” The Proceedings of International Conference and  Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics. Tung Hua Book Co., Ltd. (IBSN:978-957-483- 964-3)

Ver Steeg, Jackson Jr. (2019) “Education for Sustainable Development in the EFL  Classroom: Exploring Intersubjectivity.” Conference Proceedings of 7th International  Conference on Sustainability, Technology and Education (STE2019). IADIS Press (IBSN:  978-989-8533-84-5).

Peer-Reviewed Conference Abstracts

Ver Steeg, Jackson Jr. (2018). Developing a Public Voice: Place-based Education as  an Approach to Education for Sustainable Development in the English as a Foreign  Language Classroom. Conference Proceedings of 8th ICRTEL 2018 – International  Conference on Research in Teaching, Education & Learning. PEOPLE: International  Journal of Social Sciences. (ISSN 2454-5899), 67.

Workshops, Symposia & Seminars

Ver Steeg, Jackson. (2001). Recuperating Nisei Subjectivity through Abjection in Joy Kogawa’s Obasan. Proceedings of the University of Washington 2001 Asian Studies  Graduate Student Colloquium, 2001. Seattle: University of Washington Department  of Asian Languages and Literature, 2001.

Authored Teaching Materials

 Tsai, C-J, Lai, C.C., Ver Steeg, J. (2021). Your Turn to Read.  Tunghwa Publishing (2022) ISBN:9789865522728 (new)

Unit 1: Online Privacy and Social Media (new)

Unit 2: Online Privacy and Government Surveillance (Public Policy) (new)

University of Washington Computer-Integrated Courses Instructor Manual (revised)

University of Washington Computer-Integrated Courses Student Manual (revised)

Professional Presentations


“The Uses and Misuses of AI in the EFL Classroom.” Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages Practical Pedagogy Colloquium, April 2023.

“Approaching Critical Cultural Awareness (CCA) through Cultural Objects in the EFL  Classroom.” Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages Practical Pedagogy  Colloquium, June 2018.

“Using Technology in the English Classroom.” Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, April 2018.

“Teaching with Workshops.” Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, March 2018. “New Technologies for the English Classroom,” Wenzao Ursuline University of  Languages, September 2017.

“Using Technology in the English Classroom.” Department of English Practical  Pedagogy Colloquium Teaching with Technology. University of Washington,  November 2001.

“Options for Teaching in the CIC Classroom.” Presentation to New English Teaching  Assistants, University of Washington, September 2001.


“Between the Mountains and Plains: Migration, Embeddedness and Belonging among Indigenous Entrepreneurs in Taiwan” Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business (RENT) XXXVII Conference; Also at European Council for Small Business (ECSB) Post-doctoral Paper Development Workshop at RENT XXXVII Gdansk, Poland. November 2023

“Exploration of a Global Competency Self-Assessment Modified for the EFL Classroom.” 38th International Conference of English Teaching and Learning. Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 2021.

“Dialectical Pluralism as a Lens for Studies of Social Entrepreneurship Education.” Seventeenth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands February 2021 LINK

“Anatomy of a Social Entrepreneur: Developing the Key Competencies of Social Entrepreneurship in Management Education.” The 26th Taiwan Forum on Sociology of  Education (midterm conference of RC04, International Sociology Association). Educational Challenges in the Era of Globalization, National Chang Cheng University,  Taiwan, October 2020; also EAIR: The European Higher Education Society forum Sustaining the Future of Higher Education. Cork, Ireland, August 2020 (canceled due to  covid-19).

“Introducing Global Competency in the Elementary School EFL Classroom using  Children’s Literature and Sustainable Consumption Activities.” 2019 3rd Advanced  Multidisciplinary Views on Sustainable Life & Business (Sus-LaB3 2019). Hsiuping  University, Taiwan, March 2019. (Best Presented Paper Award).

“Developing Attitudes for Global Competency in the Primary School EFL Classroom”  21st International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics, Ming Chuan  University, Taiwan, March 2019.

“Education for Sustainable Development in the EFL Classroom: Exploring  Intersubjectivity.” 7th International Conference on Sustainability, Technology and  Education (STE2019). Lingnan University, Hong Kong, February 2019. (Outstanding  Paper Award).

“Developing a Public Voice: Place-based Education as an Approach to Education for Sustainable Development in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom.” 8th  ICRTEL 2018 – International Conference on Research in Teaching, Education & Learning.  Kasetsart University, Bangkok, December 2018.

“Addressing Misconceptions in EFL Literature Learning Using Confidence Weighting  Measures: Towards an EFL Literature Concept Inventory.” International Conference on  English Education and Studies. Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung,  June 2013.

“Literature Concept Acquisition in the EFL Classroom by Reconstructing Literature  Texts in a Comic Strip Format.” International Conference on English Education and Studies. Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, June 2013.

“Spaces of Practice: Public and Private Modes of Consumption in Gish Jen’s Typical  American and Mona in the Promised Land.” Annual Conference of the Pacific Ancient  and Modern Language Association (PAMLA). Western Washington University,  November 2002.

“Teaching Multi-Ethnic Literature in Freshman Composition: Interrogating the  Transnational.” Pedagogy, Praxis, and Politics: Multi-Ethnic Literature in U.S. Education;  Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United  States. University of Washington, Seattle, April 2002

“Recuperating Nisei Subjectivity through Abjection in Joy Kogawa’s Obasan.”  Department of Asian Languages and Literature Graduate Student Colloquium. University  of Washington, Seattle, May 2001.

“The Multiple Meanings of 影—ying3: Decoding Chinese American Ethnic Identity  Markers Through Language.” Midwest Conference on Film,  Language, and Literature, University of Northern Illinois, March 2000.

“John White and Roger Williams: The American Translator and the Violence of  Interpretation.” Pacific Rim Literary Conference “Telling Images, Revealing Words.” University of Alaska, Anchorage, February 2000.

International Research Collaboration

“Between the Mountains and Plains: Migration, Embeddedness and Belonging among Indigenous Entrepreneurs in Taiwan” with scholar at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. journal submission stage.

“Placing Nature at the Center: Eco-criticism as a Foundation for Writing Instruction” with scholar at Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya, Indonesia.  data analysis stage

“Attitudes toward sustainable entrepreneurship among female ship owners in the fishing industry of Penghu, Taiwan.” (working title) with scholar at Emlyon Business School, France.  methods design stage

“Resource acquisition among urban Indigenous entrepreneurs in Taiwan” (working title) with scholar at Emlyon Business School, France.  methods design stage

Exploration stages of developing a youth-oriented version and Chinese version of ESHIP board game for gamification of entrepreneurship education, with scholar at Aarhus University, Denmark and scholar at Biosymphonix.

Exploration stages of piloting an LMS platform for team collaborative learning in language learning environment with private startup (UK-USA).  

Industry-Academic Cooperation

Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation, Gangshan, Taiwan, 2015-6

Chimei Museum, Tainan, Taiwan, 2014-15 (Co-Leader)

Tasting Notes Fine Wine Education Project, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2012 (Leader)

Formosa Plastics Museum, Linkou, Taiwan, 2007-8 (Co-Leader)

Maersk Corporation, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2007-8, (Leader)

Volunteer Work


Distance Learning Curriculum Development Group, Center for English Language Teaching,  Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, 2018

Committee for M.O.E. project on Innovative Teaching, Center for English Language  Teaching, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, 2016-2017

English Website Committee, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, 2016-

Committee for M.O.E. project on Global Cultural Practices, Center for English Language  Teaching Wenzao, Ursuline University of Languages, 2015-2016

Graduate Representative, Faculty Council on Academic Standards, University of  Washington, 2002-2003.

Senator, Graduate and Professional Student Senate, University of Washington, 2002- 2003.

Vice-President, English Graduate Student Organization, University of Washington,  2000-2001.

Volunteer Service

Leader, Wenzao Library Reading Circle, 2017-

Faculty Advisor, Wenzao Academic Advising Program, 2016-

Lead South Taiwan Representative, Middlebury College Alumni Admissions Program  2013—

Co-leader, Docent Training Program, Kaohsiung Fine Arts Museum, 2008-2010

Awards, Fellowships and Honors

Invited Scholar: European Council for Small Business (ECSB) Post-doctoral Paper Development Workshop at RENT XXXVII in Gdansk, Poland, November 2023.

Excellence in Research Award Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, September 2023

Erasmus+ Grant ERASMUS International Week 13th Edition, Timişoara, Romania, 2023.

Best Presented Paper Award 2019 3rd Advanced Multidiscliplinary Views on Sustainable Life & Business  (SUS-LAB3) Conference. Taichung, Taiwan 2019.

Outstanding Paper Award 7th International Conference on Sustainability, Technology and   Education (STE2019). Hong Kong 2019.

International Scholarship Award National Chengkung University, Tainan, Taiwan 2007—2010

U.S. National Award Winner Chinese Language Scholarship: Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2003—2004

Graduate Dean’s Fellowship, Graduate Dean’s Scholar Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 1997-1999.

Invited Scholar: The Folger Institute Seminar Participant “Atlantic Matters: The Transatlantic Environment in the Early Modern Period” Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C. 1999